Welcome to Victoria College Preparatory School where your daughter can make the best possible beginning to her education within a constructive and caring all girls environment. Pupils in our Preparatory School are confident, articulate and caring. Our core values of respect, courtesy and understanding permeate everything we do. Pastoral care in the school is outstanding and every girl is valued for who she is and encouraged to reach her full potential.
Our highly qualified staff are committed to supporting your daughter’s education and to making learning fun. She will benefit from the excellent resources within the school and from teachers who are subject specialists as well as Key Stage experts. Smaller class sizes allow us to meet the individual needs of all our pupils and achieve outstanding Key Stage outcomes. You can be assured that we will prepare your daughter to be an independent thinker ready for post-primary school.
Mrs K Hrabovsky B.Ed (Hons) M.Ed. PQH(NI)
Head of Preparatory School
About the Preparatory School
Victoria College Preparatory School is the main primary feeder school for Victoria College. It incorporates a Pre-School class within the main Preparatory School.
The Pre-School class admits girls, in the academic year before they are due to start school.
Within the school there are seven year group classes, Prep 1 - 7, with no class admitting more than 26 pupils.
The Preparatory School is situated in attractive and spacious grounds at Cranmore Park, in South Belfast. The experienced and committed staff work enthusiastically to ensure the full participation of all pupils in the wide range of learning opportunities provided and a positive ethos underpins all aspects of school life.
“The quality of the arrangements for pastoral care in this school is outstanding”
The curriculum is enhanced through a range of educational visits and classroom learning is enriched by inviting visitors to participate in classroom topics. Prep has achieved the Inclusion Quality Mark in recognition of the excellent practice across the school and became an IQM Centre of Excellence in 2017. Click to read the comprehensive 2022 IQM Assessment Report.
Prep has also attained the Rights Respecting Schools 'Recognition of Commitment' (ROC) award for our work in supporting diversity and equality. In addition, we have attained the prestigious International Schools Award. We gained the Digital School of Distinction Award in recognition of our excellent ICT teaching and learning.
Victoria College Preparatory School has a long tradition of sporting and musical excellence. Pupils benefit from specialist teaching in PE, Swimming, Music, Drama and Modern Foreign Languages. The girls receive swimming lessons in the Olympia Leisure Centre and there is an annual Swimming Gala and Sports Day. A wide range of extra-curricular activities are offered after school hours, including iPad club, Cookery, Drama, Art, Hockey, Netball, Choir and Orchestra. An After Hours facility is also offered from 2 - 6pm and this provides flexible wrap-around care for all pupils.
If you would like to find out more about our Preparatory School please do not hesitate to contact us to organise a visit. A current fee list is also available from the school office. Access a downloadable application form for the Preparatory School and Pre-School. Click to access our admissions criteria, should places be over-subscribed for Pre-School and Prep.
Details of the Preparatory School's ETi inspection reports can be found on the ETi website or by clicking on the links below: