Prep School
We have high expectations and support each pupil through a tailored curriculum underpinned by exceptional pastoral care.
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 1 pupils follow a broad academic curriculum developing key literacy and numeracy skills through a well-resourced programme and making best use of ICT to support learning.
We will quickly identify and foster each pupil’s key strengths and set meaningful targets so that areas for development are addressed.
Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2 the full curriculum is delivered by highly motivated and experienced staff who encourage the girls to set and achieve personal targets, always aiming to be the best they can be.
Through problem solving, researching and working collaboratively, pupils are encouraged to develop the skills and attitudes which they will carry with them when they progress to Year 8 in post primary school. Assessment for learning allows staff to tailor lessons and activities to meet each pupil’s needs.
Reports sent to parents provide an accurate picture of progress. We set high standards and work in partnership with our parents to provide strong academic foundations for future study balanced with a wide range of creative, sporting and social pursuits.
Our pupils academic performance is exceptional.
Key Stage 2 outcomes surpass the Northern Ireland average in both Communication and Mathematics.
Results shown are the latest available. Newer results are unavailable due to COVID-19 restrictions from 2020.
Fees List
You can view a PDF of the fees here: Fees List 2024/25
You can download an application form for Prep here: Application Form