Pre-School provides a happy and enjoyable introduction to school life where the curriculum is experienced through a range of well planned, focused activities and structured play. We encourage children to grow in confidence, self-esteem and independence through social interactions and daily routines in a caring and nurturing environment.
A typical Pre-School day includes play based learning, outdoor play, story and shared singing time.
We also organise cookery sessions, music lessons and physical development activities.
Pre-School enjoy going on class trips to places of interest and these visits help to enhance the topic learning. At the end of the school year Pre-School girls enjoy a graduation celebration and an end of year trip.
Girls may arrive at Pre-School from 8am, with the option of having breakfast between 8-8.30am. When the Pre-School day closes at 2pm, girls may avail of the After Hours facility which is available until 6pm daily. Activities include art and craft, healthy snack time and games.
In the Pre-School class, learning is underpinned by the Pre-School curriculum and incorporates the six areas of learning:
Personal, social and emotional development
Good personal, social and emotional development gives children the best opportunity for success in other Areas of Learning. It is about children’s emotional well-being, understanding of who they are, and respect for others and their environment.
Physical development and movement
Children revel in freedom of movement and in play that is inventive, adventurous and stimulating. Physical play that develops gross motor skills, for example running, jumping, climbing, skipping, hopping, balancing, kicking, striking, throwing and catching, helps children to develop balance, control, coordination and an awareness of size, space and direction.
Language development
Language development is crucial to living and learning: to communicate with others, to share and express feelings, to give and obtain information, and to understand ideas and develop thoughts.
Early mathematical experiences
A positive attitude towards and an understanding of mathematical concepts are important in everyday life. These develop slowly in young children, so they need opportunities to revisit activities and to experience mathematical ideas in many different contexts.
The arts
Being creative is about making new things, taking risks, experimenting, coming up with new ideas, solving problems and coping with uncertainty. Creative play, both indoors and outdoors, not only helps foster these skills but can also assist with emotional development and social interaction. It can promote aesthetic awareness and be an avenue for self-expression.
The world around us
From their earliest days, children try to make sense of their world. They are naturally curious about their environment and the people around them and frequently ask questions. Through a wide variety of activities and experiences in play, children begin to develop a range of skills and concepts such as observation and experimentation.
Application Form
You can download an application for for Pre-School here: Application Form