Miss Thompson Miss Thompson

Animal Magic

Prep 6 girls were excited to have the opportunity to learn about and handle reptiles in the classroom. Catherine from Amazon Jungle Show brought in a python, a chameleon, a gecko and a tortoise.

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Sarah Wright Sarah Wright

Wolrd Book Day Potato Fun!

Prep went potato crazy for World Book Day. We ran a competition to design a potato in the style of a favourite book character. We were overwhelmed with the creativity of all our classes!

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Sarah Wright Sarah Wright

Banana Split

Prep 6 celebrated the start of Fair Trade Fortnight by making Fair Trade Banana splits!

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Sarah Wright Sarah Wright

Medics in Primary School Programme

Prep 6 have been treated to a series of lessons from Queens University Medical student Callum during December and January.

Through his teaching, the girls learnt about the workings of the human body, how our main organs function and how to keep our bodies healthy by avoiding damaging habits like smoking. Pupils had the chance to make their own facsimile of the lungs using a bottle and balloons with the balloons demonstrating what happens to the diaphragm and lungs when air is inhaled and exhaled.

Thank you to the Medics in Schools programme for bringing this learning to life in such an interesting and practical way and to 'Frank' the skeleton for visiting Prep 6!

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Miss Thompson Miss Thompson

Children in Need

Prep 6 pupils have come to school today with their donations for Children in Need and dressed in spotty or yellow clothing or indeed, both! We are very proud to support such a worthwhile cause.

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Miss Thompson Miss Thompson

Medics in Primary Schools

The return to school after half term has been a busy one in Prep 6. We have been delighted to start our 'Medics in Primary Schools' programme with Callum ( A Year 2 Queen's University Medic) The girls have enjoyed learning about the different parts of the body and asking a lot of complicated questions! We have also been busying baking Viking bread and making cheese like the Vikings did! Tasty times in Prep 6

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Miss Thompson Miss Thompson

Making Viking Longboats

In their Art class, Prep 6 learned how to make Viking 3D Longboats, which they displayed with pride. Well done girls!

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