The Litter Lab comes to Prep

On Friday 26th January, pupils from Key Stage 2 had the opportunity to put on their lab coats and embark on an afternoon of scientific discovery in the Prep Hall.

The Litter Lab leaders, Sue and Jane set up an exciting array of experiments for the girls to watch and there were plenty of opportunities for hands on participation.

The show focused initially on the importance of disposing of litter responsibly and the effects that careless litter dropping can have on wildlife. The pupils were also encouraged to be responsible dog owners with regards to bagging and disposing of dog waste. Scientific Sue explained the dangers to health and to our water supply when waste is left on the ground.

On a lighter note, the girls had the opportunity to watch how warm air causes balloons to float and when cooling down occurs, through the force of gravity, objects fall to the ground again.

Other topics included the number of years it takes for some materials to decompose and the effects this can have on our environment.

The girls enjoyed an exciting fun-filled activity based afternoon with but also took away important messages about protecting our environment.


VCB Spring Concert


Senior School Open Day 2018