Prep 5 attend the Ulster-Scots Agency 'Our Innovators' Launch at Stormont

On Monday 26th September Prep 5 along with Mrs Burnett, Mrs McConkey and Mrs Hrabovsky attended the launch of a new teaching resource Our Innovators – An Ulster-Scots Legacy. Developed with the Ulster-Scots foundation, CCEA and Morrow Communications, the resource focuses on six Ulster-Scots innovators whose work has impacted our thinking. One of the figures featured is Margaret Byers, a leading campaigner for the education of girls during the 19th century and a founding lady of Victoria College School. The Prep were delighted to have been involved in the project which is aimed at KS2 pupils and links directly with other CCEA teaching resources. Mrs Hrabovsky and the 2015-16 Prep 7 class had planned a video recording with Morrow Communications outlining the life and importance of Mrs Byers which our current Prep 5 class have used as part of their School is Cool topic. The resource can be viewed at Special thanks to Ruby Young who dressed as Mrs Byers for the launch event. We were honoured to be part of this special project and hope others enjoy this resource either as part of an innovators lesson or linked with the popular KS2 Victorians topic.


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