School Council Trip to Stormont

On Thursday 26th May councillors from P4-7 travelled to Stormont as their end of year treat to find out about what goes on in Parliament Buildings. They were delighted to be welcomed by Mr Stalford, local MLA for South Belfast and were able to speak with confidence about the work of the Prep School Council.

In addition to the planned educational programme, the girls were also thrilled to have the opportunity to visit the press rooms and TV studios to see how news at Stormont is filmed.

Our grateful thanks goes to Mrs O’Brien, mother of P4 councillor Florence, who very kindly took time to give the girls a tour. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were delighted to also receive goody bags containing souvenirs from Stormont, kindly provided by Mrs O’Brien.


Pre-Pre-School and Pre-School Sports Day


Athletics Coaching at the Mary Peters' Track