Unveiling of our new Prep Stage

Thank you to all who were able to attend our stage unveiling event on Friday 2 October in the Prep Hall. Pupils and staff had been working hard from the beginning of term to put together a fun-filled programme to showcase our new stage. Prep 1 and 2 tested the stage suspension through their active song I can run – poor Mrs McLuckie and Mrs Findlay felt they had joined a gym during rehearsals! Prep 3 and 4 caused the audience to reminisce about the summer holidays with a rendition of I do like to be beside the seaside. Prep 5 and 6 reminded parents of how wonderful our production of Annie was last year with It’s a hard knock life before Prep 7 completed the event with a specially written poem thanking Friends of Prep and our parents for supporting this venture to purchase a new stage. Special mention must also be made of Caroline McMichael, Kate Donnelly and Emma Harrison who demonstrated their recent competitive Irish dancing routines.

We have made fantastic progress towards our fundraising total; however, there is a still more to be done. Friends of Prep are planning a full calendar of events over the academic year to ensure we are constantly chipping away at this total. I hope you will agree that our stage has been a very worthwhile investment and will support our activities over the coming months.


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