Combined Action Group Projects 2023-2024
Our Prep Action Groups have combined to work together this year towards creating a new Prep garden area and holding a Well Being week in Prep. All our efforts go towards us earning the Compassionate Schools Gold Award!
Eco Team 2022-2023
This year the Eco Action Team asks all pupils, staff and families to think more sustainably using the 6 R's - Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle.
We aim to: - Take a plastic promise to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.
- Continue our good practice of reusing and recycling paper, card and food waste reminding everyone to use the appropriate bins.
- We will begin to plan for the growing season and will help classes to plant as we create a sustainable garden.
The Eco Action Team will be monitoring our progress throughout the year but as always it is a team effort, so we all have a part to play to look after our local environment.
Eco Team Litter Pick
The P6 and P2 Eco-Team participated in ‘Adopt a Spot’ litter pick.
The P6 and P2 Eco-Team participated in ‘Adopt a Spot’ litter pick today. Well done, girls.
Eco Team Focus for 2021-2022
This year the Eco Action Team has a clear message for our peers, staff and families to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
This year the Eco Action Team has a clear message for our peers, staff and families to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
We aim to:
Reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by introducing opportunities to recycle food waste in our classrooms and staff room.
Continue our good practice of reusing and recycling paper and card reminding everyone to use the appropriate bins.
Reduce the amount of carbon emissions by encouraging pupils to use sustainable transport where possible to get to and from school. Once again we will organise a walk to school event. The Eco Action Team will be monitoring our progress throughout the year and will use this data to inform future plans and activities.
Eco Team 2021-2022 Update
Prep 1: Jasmine Nambe and Bella Hagan
Prep 2: Eva Millar and Maysee Wei
Prep 3: Zoe Campbell and Charlotte Stockdale
Prep 4: Olivia Johnston and Ellie Daryls McCaffrey
Prep 5: Amalia Elliott and Chloe Lancial
Prep 6: Sophia O'Sullivan and Eve Martin
Prep 7: Yvaine Parsons and Maggie Irvine
Eco Team and sustainable transport
The Eco Team will be continuing to promote the benefits of sustainable transport during the Summer Term.
We have begun by asking our school community about their modes of active travel over the course of a week. We hope that this survey, alongside some nice dry weather, will encourage our families to be more active and choose sustainable travel methods moving forward.
Next term, all pupils from Pre-School through to Prep 7 will be taking part in a project called “The Big Pedal”, running from the 19th April to 30th April. Class teachers will be recording how pupils have travelled to school and this data will be fed into the Sustrans website. So let’s put our best foot forward and where possible, choose sustainable travel methods such as walking, cycling, or scooting to school. Further details will follow after the Easter break,
Eco Team during Lockdown
Mrs Graham has managed to help our Eco Team feel connected during the Covid 19 period of enforced closure by assigning the girls the task of finding ‘signs of spring’ in their home environments. She also spoke to Mrs Hrabovsky in a special assembly about what the team had managed to achieve this year before school closed. Please click on the links below to find out more!